For the sale
Global Immobiliare, in the eventuality of missing documentation useful for the correct processing of your property, be it for the sale or for the rental, will be able to help you recuperate the following certificates and more specifically:
Cadastral Certificate
The Cadastral Certificate is a document issued by the Land Registry that identifies a real estate on the territory of a specific municipality , indicating the category (which can vary depending on its characteristics e.g.: Villas, Offices, Shops, Garages), the classification (that can be defined on the basis of the finishings or characteristics), the size or area (that can be net or gross) and the cadastral income (a useful benchmark and reference for different calculations). The Cadastral Certificate for land can also be requested at the Land Registry Offfice
Cadastral Plan
The cadastral plan is also issued by the Land Registry, this brings back into scale the subdivision of the property or if requested, for land, for example, we can verify the boundaries.
Mortgage Title
The cadastral plan allows us to verify the ownership of a real estate or if there are transcribed encumbrances such as mortgages or foreclosures.
Historical Title Search
The historical cadastral document summarises the history of the real estate from its construction to date, showing if there have been transfers of ownership, the previous owners and the buying/selling documents indicating the registered number.
Certificate of Conformity of the Fittings.
Every real estate must have a regular certificate of conformity regarding the plumbing and the electrical system just like for gas in case the installation has been subsequently regularised.
Certificate of Habitability
The certificate of habitability is a document issued by the Municipality, this certifies and attests that the property is suitable for normal habitability as well as for connections and installations.
“A.P.E.” Energetic Certification
A.P.E. (before the changes of the decree 63/2013 it was called A.C.E.) is the document that describes the energetic characteristics of a building, a house or an apartment. It is a means of control that summarizes with a scale from A4 to G (scale of 10 letters),the energy performance of buildings. At the moment of buying or renting a real estate, as well as being compulsory, this document is useful for information about energetic consumption and the actual value of the buildings with high energy savings.
Energy Peformance Certificate (APE) is not to be confused with the Energy Qualification Certificate (AQE).